SA: Do you always work on restoring cathedrals?
CP: I thought I’d work at the cathedral for the rest of my life, but unfortunately they closed their construction project. I had to go out on my own and find ways that I could use the skills I had learned and find opportunities to keep doing what I wanted to do.
SA: What sorts of projects do you take on as a stone carver?
CP: Some of the first jobs I got were inscribing letters in stone and doing a garden fountain carved to look like seashells. I’ve worked on fireplace mantles, which use geometric stone masonry skills but also use decorative carving to make them pretty and interesting.
SA: Do you work closely with your clients?
CP: Yes, I connect with people who need something carved. Sometimes an architect will show me exactly what they want. But very often my clients are homeowners or even architects who want me to help them design something. It’s a challenge to design something to suit their needs, stay within the amount of time I have, and make sure it fits the budget. To actually execute it is often a big challenge too. But that keeps me excited.