Lexile: 920L
Core Art Standards:
VA1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.
VA3: Refine and complete artistic work.
VA7: Analyze artistic work.
CCSS Anchor Standards:
R2: Determine central themes.
R3: Analyze ideas and sequence events.
R5: Analyze text structure.
Objective: Students will learn how animation works and will understand the importance of advances in animation technology.
Essential Question: How does knowing the contexts, histories, and traditions of art forms help us create works of art and design?
Enduring Understanding: Artists shape artistic investigations, following or breaking with traditions, in pursuit of creative goals.
Vocabulary: animation, cels, computer-animated, concept art, feature-length, frames, illusion, layout, light source, maquettes, persistence of vision, programmed, short, space, storyboards, texture, three-dimensional, zoetrope
Materials: computer or interactive whiteboard, “Graphic Organizer: Animation” skills sheet.